Friday, October 2, 2009

I Heart Faces Constructive Feedback Friday

OK, I have this photo from a concert I went to on Monday night that I really love...except, obviously, it's seriously underexposed. It was really dark, with subtle red/orange lighting, and no flash photography allowed. I found that but converting to B+W with a blue or green filter it looks a little better, but I'm hoping some of you have better ideas for making this photo look good. I tried increasing the overall brightness of the photo, but it end up looking grainy, so if anyone has a solution for that, I'm all ears! Also, if anyone has any ideas for editing that don't involve converting to B+W I'd love to hear them...would be great to keep some color in the photo.
Oh, and the program I used for editing is Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI.

For more constructive feedback, head to the I ♥ Faces blog!


  1. I think you did a good job on your conversion. I don't have paintshop though so don't know how to instruct in editing. But...for lots of noise you can use Nik's Dfine software or the free download if you have a pc. Sorry couldn't help more!

  2. I think you did a very nice job on your conversion as well. That is a tough environment that you were shooting in. Low light and perhaps spots, with a subject moving around, very tough.

    Well, I played with your picture a bit to see what I could do. I first of all made a copy of the layer. I then desaturated the image so i got his skin to the point that did not look red. I tried taking the red saturation down but that did not do enough for his skin. Next, I did a layer mask, ctrl B for a brush and brushed back the red of the background. I then did unsharp mask once with the settings 150-1-10. I would have probably played around a bit more with brightness, exposure and some lightening, but the image was too small in file size.

    Here is the image:

    I hope this helps and thanks again for being part of Feedback Friday.

    B Dad

  3. Thanks for the input! B Dad, sorry it's so small. It's actually a much larger file, but for some reason certain pics don't want to open up when you click on them...just one of several problems I've been having with blogger.
