Wow. It seems like just yesterday that I was posting photos of our fall foliage, but apparently that is not the case! The leaves are gone and everythings gone brown and bare. Usually, this signals the beginning of winter, but we've actually been pretty lucky so far. We've had some cold nights, but not one snowflake as of yet. Actually, we've not had much rain lately either, which is odd for this time of year. No complaints from me, though! I'll take a green Thanksgiving (and Christmas too!) over snow anytime.
This tree was a beautiful yellow-orange color.
This tree was a beautiful yellow-orange color.
This bush had the most breathtaking crimson leaves...nothing but berries left now.
So, what does it look like right now in your neck of the woods? Any winter weather yet? Are you looking forward to winter, or, like me, do you wish it could stay fall all year long?
Those are awesome photos. Well winter passed some time ago, right now we are entering summer (no snowy xmas for us haha), but I really preffer fall/winter that the hot seasons xD